I live in California and love propagating plant. In this video, I show easy and fast way to propagate Angel Trumpets in four steps. They are amazing and tough plants. I have tried many methods such as putting Angel Trumpet cuttings in the hormone water, growing from seeds, and propagating from cuttings. I think the last method is the easiest, fastest, and most successful.
There are several precautions that you should know before propagating. The most important is to sterilize the pots, scissors, container for mixing the soil, and the Magic Box. Also, the cuttings need to be washed before propagating. Furthermore, the peat moss and perlite should not be contaminated, which reduces the possibility of growing roots because contaminated potting mix causes the cuttings to rot or prolongs the propagation time. The last thing is temperature control. The Magic Box needs to be opened if the temperature reaches 85 F or 30 C.
I use three kinds of rooting hormone including Dyna-Gro Root-Gel - Powerful Rooting Hormone, the Miracle-Gro Fast Root Powder Rooting Hormone, and Hydrofarm DG00201 Liquid Hormone Concentrate Hydroponic Rooting Solution. My favorite is Dyna-Gro Root-Gel - Powerful Rooting Hormone because it is easy to use. You just dip the end of your cuttings into the gel and then insert into the potting mix that your prepared! The downside is a little bit more expensive. The Miracle-Gro Fast Root Powder Rooting Hormone is very powerful too. Also, it is much cheaper than other two kinds. One more thing about the Miracle-Gro Fast Root Powder Rooting Hormone is that it can be used for a long long time. The attention to this product is to put cuttings into water first before placing into the powder rooting hormone so cuttings can be fully coated by power rooting hormone. Hydrofarm DG00201 Liquid Hormone Concentrate Hydroponic Rooting Solution is more complex because it is liquid concentrate that requires different level of mix used on different plants. I recommend this product to be used by professional growers.
If you pay attention to these precautions and take care of them like your babies, you will be rewarded by their impressive strength. If you have any questions and want to discuss with me, I will have my full ears for you. You can reach out me by sending email, xwmartinson@gmail.com. I will response to you in 48 hours. Good luck to every plant lover.
How to Propagate Angel Trumpet In Four Steps
Dyna-Gro Root-Gel - Powerful Rooting Hormonethe Miracle-Gro Fast Root Powder Rooting HormoneHydrofarm DG00201 Liquid Hormone Concentrate Hydroponic Rooting SolutionPerlitepeat mosspropagationyellow flowerwhite flowerangel trumpetpotting mixgardentreesplantsgrow planthow to propagate Angel Trumpet in four stepshalf moon baymirage of edenchunping martinsoncuttingsgreenhousemagic box for propagationpropagation hubsucculent garden