Terming disenchantment of OBCs as the reason for the BJP's defeat in by-elections, Uttar Pradesh minister Om Prakash Rajbhar said the backward classes were unhappy with the party as BJP leader Keshav Prasad Maurya was not made the chief minister. "The BJP contested assembly polls with Keshav Prasad Maurya (a OBC) as its face but later Yogi Adityanath was made chief minister. Backwards supported the BJP in the hope that Maurya will become CM. The result of this anger reflected in the defeat of the BJP in bypolls", Rajbhar, who is cabinet minister and head of Suheldev Bhartiya Samaj Party, told PTI over phone. Asked whether Yogi Adityanath is responsible for the defeat in bypolls, he said, "Government is responsible. The BJP should introspect about reasons of its defeat. It's up to the BJP whom to make CM. It's up to the party to make Yogi or Keshav as CM."
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