A Blessing Ceremony is a wonderful experience for the mother-to-be, but also family and friends. It celebrates her step in motherhood (or motherhood again!). A blessing is a unique way to honour the mother and recognise the sacred aspects of pregnancy that have long been forgotten.
As a ritual centred on the feminine rites of passage, this ceremony has as much grounding now as it did centuries gone. However through my own research every culture had its own rich sacred pregnancy rites of passage they have just been forgotten. I like to incorporate the beliefs in some way that course through the parents genes, it provides nice titbits of ancestral information and reverence. It also ensures each ceremony is completely unique and bespoke to the family.
A blessing is usually a spiritual event on some level, however depending on the mothers beliefs and comfort of the guests it is a very personalised and individual experience, facilitated written purely for that mum to be. Yes, there will be common elements to all blessing ceremonies however some flow more casually than others and have a less ritualised feel. It can purposely hold elements sacred to the mother's religion or it can simply be spiritual in the sense that all present are giving their spiritual and emotional support to the mother-in-waiting. The blessing is a very positive ritual, affirming that the woman will have a natural and beautiful birth experience. The experience and anticipation of childbirth often constellates very primal fears and as a sisterhood women come together to empower and encourage the mum to be and physically show their support.
Rite of Passage have been celebrated for centuries, from the Mayans and Aztecs to the Celts and Native Americans, however it is something that is missing from our modern culture today. Celebrations would have included baby blessings (naming ceremonies/christenings etc), Marriages/ Handfastings, Coming of Age rites (puberty), and Blessing Ceremonies (rites to mark the transition of pregnancy from maiden to mother and to celebrate each and every pregnancy and baby as a welcome blessing to the ‘tribe’).
Birth is a key life passage for women. But modern culture has become preoccupied with the arrival of the baby-to-be and has lost touch with birth's profound impact on the expectant mother. While our most common birth preparations focus on getting women physically ready to give birth, the blessing ceremony helps a woman to prepare mentally, emotionally, and spiritually for the work of birthing, and it opens her to her instinctive abilities, which will guide her as she steps into the role of mother.
Contact for more information if you are interested in experiencing one of our sacred birthing rites.
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