This week on the Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, Certified Arborist and Natural Resources Manager for the City of Germantown Wes Hopper demonstrates the proper way to cut down a tree. Also, University of Memphis Director of Landscape Joellen Dimond discusses the various types of ornamental grasses.
The Family Plot - November 13, 2021
Family PlotChris CoopergardeninggardenlandscapeUniversity of TennesseeUTUT ExtensionWes HopperCity of Germantowncertified arboristtreescutting down treechainsaw safetychainsawJoellen Dimondgrassesornamental grasspampasmiscanthuslandscape designUniversity of MemphisTSU ExtensionTennessee State UniversityTSUflowershorticultureMemphisTennesseeShelby CountyMid-SouthWKNO