Disasters Happen: You Can’t Afford to Not Be Prepared!
Presented by:
Jo Miller, MPH, RDN
Vice President Nutrition
Meals for All
Presented Wednesday, April 11, 2018
Disasters can strike anytime. Healthcare communities depend on Food and Nutrition Services for uninterrupted nutritious meals. Is your facility prepared with the quantity and quality of meals needed during a disaster? The community expects healthcare to be a beacon of safety during an emergency. Are you ready? Learn how the New CMS disaster rule affects Food and Nutrition Services and requirements for practical disaster preparedness. In this talk we will examine an all-hazard approach to disaster planning, review the new CMS Disaster Rule, share resources for disaster meal planning and evaluate disaster meal and water options. Transform your disaster meal plan from costly, labor-intensive, and fragmented to a streamlined system that is regulatory friendly, easily managed and cost-effective.
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