This film was produced by Jonathan Ross, A-B Tech instructor, for the 2011 Asheville 48 Hr Film Project. The story follows a detective who looks for the missing daughter of his old friend, Tony T. Darnes. A big thank you to our actors and crew... who were all amazing. Special thanks to Sid for sound, Jay for his incredible music, and Laura for saving the day! Jonathan Ross - Producer/DP/Co-Director/Editor, Peter Carver - Co-Director and acting coach/casting, SCRIPT by Joseph Chapman, SOUND by Sid Williams, MUSIC by Jay Kaiser, ACTING by Alphie Hyorth as Frank, Blaque Fowler as Tony T. Darnes, Laura Roop as Tina Darnes, Casey Abbott as Johnny, Daniela Mandel as Cindy & Lauren Easter as Ashleigh.
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