Nissan has launched the updated Micra in the country today at a starting price of Rs 5.99 lakh (ex-showroom Delhi). The 2017 Micra comes with new features like automatic rain-sensing wipers and automatic headlights. The starting price of the Micra remains unchanged as the new features have been added only in the top variant. While the prices of the top petrol variant has increased by Rs 9,000, the diesel has increased by Rs 14,000. It remains mechanically unchanged and will continue to be offered with the 1.2-litre, three-cylinder petrol engine and the 1.5-litre diesel engine. The Nissan Micra competes with hatchbacks like the Hyundai Grand i10, Ignis and the Swift 2017.
All variants of the Nissan Micra are pretty much feature-laden and full of the expected technical specs. Engine specs include an engine of 1198, which musters up a torque measuring to 104Nm@4000rpm and maximum power of 75bhp@6000rpm. It coughs out an average or giving an overall mileage of around 17.7, with a fuel efficiency within a city of 16.12 and on highways the mileage stands out as 19.34.The engineers at Nissan gave Micra the best of technical specifications. Nissan Micra XL CVT is 5 Speed geared, with Automatic transmission, Ventilated Disc brakes at the front and Drum brakes at the rear along with MacPherson Strut front suspension and Torsion Beam rear suspension, making it a rather safe drive.If these are the features and specs of Nissan Micra that concerns you more, it offers Multi Function Steering System, Engine Start Stop Button, PowerWindowsFront, Power Steering, Vanity Mirror & Front Cup Holders.To talk of the general specifications of Nissan Micra, The interiors of this drive feature Heater, Digital Odometer, AdjustableSteering & Airconditioner. To give your Automatic those coveted hot looks, there are options of ABS, SeatBelt Warning, Central Locking, Driver Airbag & Adjustable Seats. The dimensions of Nissan Micra stand out as 3825mm lengthy, 1530mm high, 1665mm wide , which has a capacity of seating a total of 5, boot capacity being 251-litres and can carry 41 litres of fuel in a go.
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Nissan Micra XV CVT (Petrol) Rs 6,85,800 üçün
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Nissan Micra XV CVT (Gasolina) para Rs 6,85,800
Nissan Micra XV CVT (Petrol) pentru Rs 6,85,800
Nissan Micra XV CVT (бензин) для рупий 6,85,800
Nissan Micra XV CVT (Petrol) za Rs 6,85,800
Nissan Micra XV CVT (Gasolina) para Rs 6,85,800
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Nissan Micra XV CVT (Petrol) for Rs 6,85,800
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ניסן מיקראַ קסוו קווט (פּעטראָל) פֿאַר רס 6,85,800
Nissan Micra xv CVT (Uphethiloli) I-R 6,85,800
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