Resep lengkap buka di description box ini dan geser sampai ke bawah.
**English description is at the bottom section.**
00:00 : intro
01:34 : persiapan bahan (prepping the ingredients)
02:51 : membuat adonan chiffon (making the Chiffon batter)
05:20 : tuang adonan ke loyang dan panggang (pouring the dough into the pan and baking)
07:23 : penjelasan gluten free (explanation on gluten-free)
08:48 : membuat nougat kacang (making cashew nougat)
09:47 : membuat buttercream (making buttercream)
10:09 : lepas chiffon dari loyang dan beri topping (demolding the Chiffon and adding toppings)
#ResepChiffon #ResepDonat #ResepDevinaHermawan
Resep Chiffon Donat (12 pcs)
Bahan A:
8 butir kuning telur
85 ml minyak
90 ml air
40 ml santan
½ sdt garam
150 gr Tepung Singkong Ladang Lima atau 185 gr tepung terigu protein sedang
6 gr baking powder
2 sdt ekstrak vanila
Bahan B:
8 butir putih telur
120 gr gula pasir
Bahan nougat:
80 gr kacang mede panggang
75 gr gula pasir
3 sdm air
¼ sdt garam
Bahan buttercream:
160 gr roombutter
45 gr gula halus
30 gr kental manis
Keju parut
Meses cokelat
1. Campurkan telur, minyak, santan, air, perisa vanila, dan garam, aduk lalu tambahkan Tepung Singkong Ladang Lima dan baking powder yang telah disaring, aduk rata
2. Di mangkuk terpisah, kocok putih telur dan gula secara bertahap hingga membentuk paruh burung
3. Campurkan sedikit demi sedikit putih telur ke dalam adonan kuning telur, aduk perlahan
4. Tuang adonan ke dalam cetakan 1/3 penuh, ratakan dengan tusuk sate dengan cara diputar
5. Celupkan tusuk sate ke dalam kental manis, lalu beri garis atau sobekan, panggang selama 30-35 menit dengan suhu 160-165 derajat
6. Untuk nougat kacang, masak gula dan air hingga kecokelatan tanpa diaduk lalu masukkan kacang mede dan garam, pindahkan ke dalam baking paper
7. Jika sudah dingin, hancurkan nougat dengan pisau atau food processor
8. Untuk buttercream, kocok roombutter hingga pucat lalu tambahkan gula halus dan kental manis, aduk, pindahkan ke dalam piping bag
9. Keluarkan chiffon dari panggangan lalu balikan, diamkan hingga dingin kemudian keluarkan dari loyang
10. Oles buttercream lalu tambahkan topping keju, meses, dan nougat kacang
11. Chiffon donat siap disajikan
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Chiffon Donuts Recipe (12 pcs)
Ingredients A:
8 pc egg yolk
85 ml oil
90 ml water
40 ml coconut milk
½ tsp salt
150 g Ladang Lima Cassava Flour or 185 g all-purpose flour
6 g baking powder
2 tsp vanilla extract
Ingredients B:
8 pc egg white
120 g sugar
Nougat ingredients:
80 g toasted cashew
75 g sugar
3 tbsp water
¼ tsp salt
Buttercream ingredients:
160 g roombutter
45 g icing sugar
30 g condensed milk
Grated cheese
Chocolate rice
1. Combine the egg yolk, oil, coconut milk, water, vanilla extract, and salt. Mix, then add sifted Ladang Lima Cassava Flour and baking powder. Mix well.
2. In a separate bowl, beat the egg whites. Add the sugar bit by bit until the bird-beak stage is reached.
3. Mix the meringue into the yolk batter bit by bit. Fold it in slowly.
4. Pour the batter into the pan until ⅓ full. Even out the surface by swirling a satay skewer.
5. Dip the skewer into condensed milk and add the slits. Bake for 30-35 minutes at 160-165℃.
6. For the Cashew Nougat, cook the sugar and water until it browns without stirring. Add the cashew and salt in. Transfer to a baking paper.
7. Once it’s cooled down, crush the nougat with a knife or a food processor.
8. For the buttercream, whip the roombutter until it pales. Add icing sugar and condensed milk. Mix and transfer to a piping bag.
9. Remove the Chiffon out of the oven and flip it upside down. Let it cool, then demold.
10. Spread the buttercream and add the cheese, chocolate rice, and cashew nougat.
11. Chiffon Donuts are ready to serve.
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