In the fictional world of this story, Hakimeh and her children embark on an adventurous journey that leads to a world of local bread and their hidden desires. In this journey, they meet Masoumeh and Muhammad and together they create exquisite links between two different worlds. As they move step by step towards baking local bread, they discover secrets of their past and future and experience new learning and growth by returning home. This story is not only a journey between two worlds, but also a journey into oneself and the best version of oneself, which can be realized by Masoumeh and Muhammad, as well as with the guidance of Hakimeh and her children.
1. #Hakime_and_children
2. #adventure_travel
3. #local_bread
4. #Return of Masoumeh and Muhammad
5. #hidden_secrets
6. #baking_bread
7. #growth_and_learning
8. #fantasy_story
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