Penyebab dan cara mengatasi honda beat karbu brebet seperti telat bensin.
Untuk permasalahan seperti itu yang harus kita cek di bagian:
1.chock busi dan businya,
2.slang hisap kecil membran yang menuju manipol dan slang besar trun bensinnya yang ke karbu.
3.cek karet vakum posisikan lobang dibagian depan dan karetnya pas dicoakan karbunya dan tidak boleh bergeser.
4. cek juga bagian chock otomagis karbunya.
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Dan penonton.
@Sidik Nuryaden CHANNEL.
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Telp/WA: 085863491419
Terima Kasih Banyak.
Causes and ways to overcome Honda Beat Karbu Brebet such as late for gasoline. For problems like that we have to check in the section: 1.chock spark plugs and spark plugs, 2. a small membrane suction hose that goes to the manifold and a large fuel hose that goes to the carburetor. 3. check the vacuum rubber, position the hole in the front and the rubber fits into the carburetor and should not shift. 4. Also check the carburetor automatic chock. Thank you so much to all #SUBSCRIBER# And the audience. Please #SUBSCRIBE# @Sidik Nuryaden CHANNEL. If anyone has a question, please write in the comments column. Tel/WA: 085863491419 Thank you very much.
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