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0:00 Introduction
0:56 - Flower
4:31 - Flower: Structure
12:02 - Calyx
13:59 - Corolla
15:53 - Androecium
16:37 - Gynoecium
17:52 - Pre-fertilization events
20:42 - Male Reproductive Organ
21:06 - Stamen - Structure
24:13 - Anther
26:33 - Structure of Microsporangium
29:34 - Microsporogenesis
35:10 - Pollen grains
41:13 - Microspore to pollen grain
45:42 - Vegetative cell vs Generative cell
48:06 - Shedding of Pollen grains
51:55 - Pollen grains: Properties and uses
52:47 - Male Reproductive organ - Recap
54:02 - Female Reproductive Organ
57:46 - Structure of Pistil
1:02:22 - Structure of Megasporangium/ovule
1:04:38 - Angiosperm ovule vs Gymnosperm ovule
1:07:14 - Megasporogenesis
1:09:49 - Embryo sac formation: Monosporic Development
1:12:03 - Monosporic development
1:14:27 - Embryo sac
In this video we will cover:-
All flowering plants show sexual reproduction.A look at the diversity of structures of the inflorescences, flowers and floral parts, shows an amazing range of adaptations to ensure formation of the end products of sexual reproduction, the fruits and seeds. To a biologist, flowers are morphological and embryological marvels and the sites of sexual reproduction. Much before the actual flower is seen on a plant, the decision that the plant is going to flower has taken place. Several hormonal and structural changes are initiated which lead to the differentiation and further development of the floral primordium.
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Sexual Reproduction in Flowering plants Class 12 | CBSE NEET
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