According to the most recent Times Now updates, Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal criticises the central government for the Delhi Excise Policy Scam. He said, "The centre is trying to crush the Aam Aadmi Party." Arvind Kejriwal attacks the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) following the arrests of two people in the Liqurgate policy scam, claiming that this was a premeditated move against the BJP.
Arvind Kejriwal in a live press conference said, "Vijay Nair, who was managing the communication strategy in Punjab first and now for poll-bound Gujarat, was being called for questioning every day for the past few days and was threatened to name Manish Sisodia. When Nair did not take Manish Sisodia's name, he was arrested for the same.
#ArvindKejriwal #AAPvsBJP #LiquorgatePolicy #DelhiExcisePolicyScam
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