for an aircraft to be dispatched, a correct fuel quantity indication must be indicated in the cockpit, in this video you as a pilot or an aircraft maintenance engineer will got the basics behind how the fuel quantity is displayed on the aircraft displays, for fuel mass on the aircraft displays, the fuel computer must calculate the fuel mass and indicate the fuel quantity in kilograms, so in order to get a mass the probes and sensors must develop fuel density and fuel volume, for fuel volume there are fuel quantity indication probes and fuel quantity compensation probes, and also there is fuel densitometers for fuel density calculations, fuel quantity indication probes are of the capacitive types which the capacitance change by the level of the fuel inside the related tanks and the compensator probes are there for fuel permittivity calculation as the fuel volume are greatly related to the temperature so the compensator probes are there as a fuel correction for the volume.
fuel quantity indication , how ?
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