This abandoned military plane graveyard in France was unbelievable.
I will show you how they look from the inside, too.
It was an amazing experience!
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Toto pohrebisko vojenských lietadiel vo Francúzsku bolo neuveriteľné.
Ukážem Vám, ako vyzerali aj zvnútra.
Bol to úžasný zážitok!
Ďakujem za Váš odber tu na YouTube, like, zdieľanie a komentáre pod videom. Znamená to pre mňa veľmi veľa :)
The Dark Pirate Stories travels around the world in search of abandoned places and doesn't take anything from the places, only pictures and with the highest respect to all locations.
All abandoned locations are being kept a secret.
The Dark Pirate Stories only walk inside a deserted place if there is a natural access /without spoiling anything to come in/.
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Aakash Gandhi - Immortality
All rights to the video material belong to The Dark Pirate Stories.
The Dark Pirate Stories do not claim ownership/copyright of the music used in this video.
#military #airplanes #france
Exploring an Abandoned Military Plane Graveyard in France
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