This is a video dedicated to explaining what cadency is in the context of English and Welsh heraldry. What it is, how and when to use it.
Support material came from:
Rs Nourse
Sir Ian Montcreith's Simple Heraldry
John Guillim's A Display of Heraldry
John Foster's Some Feudal Coats of Arms
NB: couple of typographic errors, sorry.
Heraldry & Cadencing: What, How and When
castleshieldcadencycadencingcoat of armsarmslabelof three pointscrescentmulletmartletswordbanneryounger sonsmedievalknightbaronhistoryduke kingmonarch college of armsheraldwilliam dugdaledugdaletournamentnoblearistocratshinning armourarmortabbardsurcoatscropeharcourttalbotkingmakernevillmarks of differenceborduretinctureordinarychargebaronetdebrettsburkegartercommonerrs noursewappenwikigentrygentlemanheraldrynormanPlantagenet