The Reed Switch is the core element in Reed Sensors, Level Sensors and Reed Relays. A magnetic contact switch consisting of two ferromagnetic blades are hermetically sealed inside a glass tube. The glass tube is filled with a high purity inert gas. Under non operating conditions the reed switch contacts do not touch. MEDER electronic is leading the way in reed switch...
How a Reed Switch Works
Reed SwitchMagnetic Contact SwitchHermetically SealedHow Reed Switches WorkDry Reed SwitchMagnetic SwitchProximity SwitchMiniature SwitchMicro SwitchesMagnetic Proximity SwitchFloat SwitchMini SwitchProx SwitchSealed SwitchesMEDER electronicLiquid Level Sensorsfluid levelliquid detectionfluid monitoringlevel sensorElectronics