Directed by Chris Eyre (Smoke Signals), HIDE AWAY follows the story of a successful businessman (Josh Lucas, Sweet Home Alabama, The Firm) attempting to resurrect his life. Entering an idyllic harbor as a broken and haunted man, he buys and boards the dilapidated sailboat Hesperus. Disturbed at night by unsettling dreams of his family, he finds the boat becoming a beacon of hope as he begins his journey back toward redemption.
Watching him from the harbor café are three equally mysterious residents: a waitress (Ayelet Zurer, Angels & Demons) with a piercingly watchful eye on Hesperus; the veteran mariner (James Cromwell, The Artist), a salty, soulful man unable to reconcile his own past; and a newly single father (Jon Tenney), whose boisterous enthusiasm for his newfound freedom contrasts with the young businessman's deliberate solitude.
As he descends deeper into the refuge of nature, isolation takes hold and he is forced to confront his troubled past.
"Making of Hide Away"; Interviews with Director Chris Eyre, Josh Lucas, Ayelet Zurer, James Cromwell, Jon Tenney, and Taylor Nichols
Best Cinematography, SXSW
Official Selection, Denver Film Festival
Official Selection, Heartland Film Festival
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