Cumbria's woodlands are home to many iconic species including red squirrels. Sadly, our native reds are on the verge of extinction in England and the Lake District is one of the last strongholds for this creature greatly admired by the late Beatrix Potter.
Discover how local volunteers, rangers and charities seek to ensure the survival of this much loved woodland creature.
A film by Terry Abraham for WoodlandsTV
Music : mendelssohn: joyous mellow medieval
Red Squirrels in Cumbria
woodlandswoodstreesforestscraftwoodworkoutdoorsnatureecologyconservationbio diversityorganiclandSustainablecumbriabritish countryenglish countrysideenglandfaunawildlifesquirrelsred squirrelsrewildingsustainableecoreintroducing native speciesnative speciesmendelssohn-joyous-mellow-medievalgrey squirrelwoodland creaturessustainability