Imtihaan had been keeping us spellbound! Kaise likhe gaye the itne intense lyrics
and how did this hypnotic song came into being…Jaaniye by Neeti & EPR themselves!
Check out Imtihaan by @NeetiMohan18 and @epriyer streaming exclusively on @royalstagliveitlarge and@KaanPhodMusic YouTube channels!
#RoyalStag #RoyalStagBoombox #MTVIndia #LiveItLarge #GenerationLarge #Imtihaan
Imtihaan Songs | Behind The Scenes | Neeti & EPR
Imtihaan EPR Neeti Mohanepr new song Imtihaanneeti mohan new song ImtihaanImtihaan epr new songneeti mohan new song imtihaanbollywood songsimtihaan epr new songimtihaan epr neeti mohanepr new song imtihaaneprneeti mohanepr iyerneeti mohan songsepr rapepr iyer hustleepr songepriyerepr iyer rapadiacot eprepr hustleepr musicneeti mohan new songmtv hustleepr rap songmtv indiahindi songsnew hindi songssongsnew song