Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Verdant Meadows Mission 4 Black Project
This is a fun one. It must be nighttime to trigger this one (between 20:00 and 6:00). Your old friend The Truth will return and explain things... apparently he is less batty and more connected than earlier expected. He takes you outside of a secret military base called Area 69. Your goal is to get a secret device stored within.
First, you'll need to open the blast doors from a position on the control tower. The problem is, the entire yard is being swept by searchlights. If you get seen by them, the blast doors will go on lockdown and you'll need to gain entry a different way. Problem is, you have to gain entry before 5:30, so you'll have to move fast.
Go near the open door and snipe the first two guards in this area. Move forward and snag the Body Armor, and target and drop any guards in the yard that you can see. Turn to the right and snipe the guard on the right tower. Move even higher and snipe out the searchbeam above. Go up the tower and take down the guards on the towers to the left, and anyone else you see in the yard below. Return to the ground and head to the southwest corner of the compound.
From here, avoid the light as you move along the fence and get near the control tower (the yellow blip). Get up into the control tower and step on the red marker to see a cut scene of the doors opening. Once this happens, you have limited time to get to the doors. Go north from the tower and around the low buildings here. Move to the middle of the Area to find the ramp leading down into the lab.
Note: If you are seen by a spotlight, the whole place will go Condition Blue. Avoid the spotlight again, or the Area will go to Condition Red. If this happens, you'll have to go to Plan B.
If you need to go to the vent, it isn't that big of a deal. Just target nearby red blips with the sniper rifle and take them down as you move to the yellow blip (the vent). Once you get there, damage the vent and climb inside.
Regardless of how you get inside, you will arrive in the same place. A cut scene will play telling you to make it to the lab, and showing you the locations of several military guards. You don't need to be too worried about being stealthy, here. The place is already at Condition Red, so blasting a lot isn't going to be a problem. Just make sure you crouch and use cover, as always. Move through the nearby door and kill the guard in the next room. Up a ramp to the right, you'll find a Body Armor and Minigun in a glassed-in room. Grab them and go nuts on the guards in the room below.
Move toward the yellow blip into the next room, which is full of catwalks and military folk. Mow them down, collect their weapons and move on. There is a Body Armor in the next area. Grab it and continue around the perimeter and find the radar room. Inside are two scientists. Waste them and move to the red marker to take down the SAM site. This is important to secure your escape.
Return to the catwalk room and go to the bottom of it. On the far side of the room is a hallway lined with yellow warning paint. Nearby is an open tile in the floor. Drop down there and grab a Heart and Body Armor. Proceed to the ramp at the end to pull yourself out of there. Go up the stairs under the Research Section A sign painted on the wall. Battle through the guards and make your way toward the yellow blip on the mini-map. As you approach, you'll be told to find a keycard. In the lab to the left is another Body Armor. As you move toward the scientist here, he'll drop a Keycard. Take it and move to the red marker in the corner.
Guards will now crowd the hall. You know the drill. Target and blast them as you move down the stairs. Keep an eye on your health as you wind down the stairs. When you reach the bottom, grab the black project--a Jetpack. Don it and fly directly up and out of the silo. If you didn't disable the SAM, you'll be throttled by missile fire.
Ascend to the level you desire and press a direction to move that way. While using the jetpack, you can rock any single-handed weapon. You won't need to in this case. Just pilot yourself over to the yellow blip on the mini-map. Rendezvous with The Truth at Arco del Oeste. When the cut scene concludes, ride the motorbike back to the Airstrip (after getting The Truth's cell call).
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