Prince Rama Varma, accompanied by Parur M.A.Sundareswaran on the violin, Guruvayoor Dorai on
the mridangam and Udipi Sridhar on the ghatam, sings the celebrated Varnam by his ancestor Maharaja Swathi Thirunal, in the raga Shankarabharanam, bringing out the glory of this magnificent composition in all it's grandeur.
I feel so lucky to have uploaded Varmaji singing Bhairavi, Kamboji and now Shankarabharanam Ata Tala varnams.
I hope somebody will get and post or give me a good
recording of him singing the Kalyani ata tala varnam too.
I have heard him sing this several times and his version of this varnam is my all time favourite but I am yet to get hold of a recording of this. Like Kamakshi in Bhairavi, Varmaji always tells me that M.D.Ramanathan's version is the best for this too, but my favourite is Varmaji's version. So there.
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