THIS IS THE GREAT AWAKENING...If you feel a lot of change, anxiety etc. it's part of the release of the old consciousness as New Earth consciousness replaces it. We'll get through these tough times as stronger and more enlightened humans in the end.
The Medium Channel is here to offer a safe place for spiritually evolving souls. It is a great awakening on our planet, the energies are constantly changing, the frequencies keep building so we offer you this space to connect with like-minded community and to receive spiritual tutorials as well as channeled information and activations from The Master Teachers, Ascended Masters, Extraterrestrial beings and ET guides etc. Please feel free to subscribe to the channel and hit the bell to get notified when we do our live mediumship and readings as well as transmissions and activations.
HUGE SHIFT For Autumnal Equinox! Are YOU READY 🌈💗
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