कोन सा आयरन कब दिया जाता है अंतर क्या है इनमे Ferrous Fumarate,Ferrous Ascorbate या Iron Sucrose
Hi Friends Welcome To Gyanear The Medical Channel I Am Pharmacist Shivam Vishwakarma
About This Video:Iron deficiency is the most common micronutrient deficiency in the world and disproportionately affects pregnant women and young children. Iron deficiency has negative effects on pregnancy outcomes in women and on immune function and neurodevelopment in children. Iron supplementation programs have been successful in reducing this health burden. However, iron supplementation of iron-sufficient individuals is likely not necessary and may carry health risks for iron-sufficient and potentially some iron-deficient populations. This review considers the physiology of iron as a nutrient and how this physiology informs decision-making about weighing the benefits and risks of iron supplementation in iron-deficient, iron-sufficient, and iron-overloaded pregnant women and children.
There Are Many Types of Iron Supplement Available Like
Ferrous Fumarate
Ferrous Sulphate
Ferrous Gluconate
Ferrous Ascorbate
Iron Sucrose
Iron Dextron
So Understand The Difference Between Iron Types
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