Shqip (English below)
Ne kete video kam shpjeguar dhe demonstruar 5 ushtrimet me te mira per shpine per fillestar e profesionist si dhe gabimet qe duhet evituar. Ushtrimet jane keto:
Ushtrimi 1: Lat Pulldown
Ushtrimi 2: T - Bar
Ushtrimi 3: Bench Dumbell
Ushtrimi 4: Pull Ups
Ushtrimi 5: Deadlift
In this video I have explained and demonstrated 5 best back exercises for begginers and mistakes to avoid. These are the exercises:
Exercise 1: Lat Pulldown
Exercise 2: T - Bar
Exercise 3: Bench Dumbell
Exercise 4: Pull Ups
Exercise 5: Deadlift
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