Andhra Pradesh chief minister N Chandrababu Naidu’s South Korean tour entered its 3rd and last day on Wednesday. The CM and his delegation, which spent second day at Busan city, returned to Seoul. Naidu met officials of various companies, including OCI, LG, Greencross Cell, Darcl Logistics, KAMA, KAICA, Hyundai Merchant Marine and more. The CEO of OCI gave a presentation to Naidu and team about their activities in different countries and spoke of their abilities. He expressed interest to start their operations in India. Next, the AP delegates met famous electronics company LG. Company President Soon Kwon explained their operations to Naidu. LG has strong presence in India in manufacturing, energy storage system, OLED, LED screens and similar sector. Later Naidu met officials of South Korea's largest company Darcl Logistics. Naidu was accompanied by AP Finance Minister Yanama Ramakrishnudu; Industries Minister Amarnath Reddy, advisor to Govt. of AP Dr Parakala Prabhakar, CMO Chief Secretary G Sai Prasad, Industries Department Secretary Salmon Arokiyaraj, Economic Development Board CEO J Krishna Kishore, and APIIC MD Ahmad Babu.
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