Watch a balloon molly giving birth to 33 babies in aquarium and a per-mature molly fish baby fight for his life. Breeding molly is easy process add some plants in breeding fish tank and shift the female molly in it every 30 days once. In their 3 years of life span they can produce 2000 and more offspring's. Molly fish is a livebearers, like guppy fish, platy fish and swordtail fish, which give birth to live babies, Molly fish give birth to young one every 30 to 45 days.
0:00 Introduction
0:08 Her First Baby
0:19 And Again
1:05 Some babies started to swim free
1:46 Someone has landing gear problem
2:36 Some babies started to form a union
4:27 he made his first attempt but not strong enough to take-off
4:37 recovering for the second attempt
4:42 I named him "COBRA HEAD"
4:48 Still 50% of egg yolk to be consumed
5:12 Cobra Head's second attempt also failed
5:34 Watching his siblings swim, he makes third attempt and failed.
6:00 Cobra Head's 4th attempt was good, but he is still weak
6:17 Watching other babies swim, he got some courage
6:41 20 minutes later he is normal as other babies and swimming free in tank
6:57 Soon "COBRA HEAD" will meet you all with his transformation video
Balloon Molly #Giving Birth & Molly Baby Fight For Life
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