This is a YOUTUBE SHORT video - 60 seconds on where to locate your window washer fluid on your Jeep Gladiator or Jeep Wrangler JL 3.6L. This video is just a quick reference on the location to fill your window washer fluid. A variety of washer fluids can be purchased - regular washer fluid or some with additives for bug or insect removal, even specific fluid for cold weather environments. Do not put these fluids in any other fill locations. #windshield #gladiator #jeep
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Jeep JL or Jeep Gladiator 3.6L Windshield Fluid Location
JLUJLJTGladiatorWillysRubicon3.6LJKJKUwranglerwasher fluidwindow washer fluidwindshield fluidcleaning windshieldwipersglasswhere do I fillwhat fluidbug removalsportsaharadirty windshieldlocation of fluid reservoircan I use waterfront windshield cleanerwindshield washing fluidradiatorcapoverflowlevelrefillingwhat type of windshield cleanerrainxsnowicedefrostbladeswiper motoroverlandspray nozzlescleanerclogYouTube Shorts