Alternate Title: The Magical Quest 3 Starring Mickey & Donald (Game Review)
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Disney's Magical Quest is a Platform game trilogy released by Capcom from 1992-1995. The games star Mickey Mouse, and then later on with Minnie Mouse, as well as with Donald Duck, respectively, as they journey along strange worlds, trying to defeat Pete, who happens to be the Ruler of the worlds they come across in these three games.
Why didn't they ever make more of these games? They apparently just stopped making more after making three, and it seems like a very missed opportunity, since these games really had a touch of quality in them in terms of its game design, story, and overall gameplay.
Despite never having finished playing any of these games, I've known about them very vaguely for as long as I could remember. It always just seemed to be the kind of memory that lived in your head rent-free. So a few weeks ago, I looked back on these games, and here's what I discovered about each of them.
Disney's Magical Quest 1 (Game Review) → [ Ссылка ]
The Great Circus Mystery (Game Review) → [ Ссылка ]
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These videos are made with Adobe Premiere Pro 2017 and I use a generic earphone mic to record voice over. Any footage from various TV shows, movies, and/or games, is used to convey my thoughts and ideas regarding such media shown in the video. Criticisms, commentary, and/or news reportings seen in these videos fall under Fair Use (The Copyright Act of 1976, Section 107).
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