Wondering what the function of the cerebellum is? And for that matter - the location of the cerebellum? Check out this video where we introduce you to this fascinating structure. Want the full video? Watch here: [ Ссылка ]
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The cerebellum is an ovoid structure found within the posterior cranial fossa, inferior to the tentorium cerebelli. Internally, it is comprised of white matter, with an an outer grey matter cortex externally.
Involuntary impulses that help the maintenance of muscle tone, posture and balance are generated and regulated at the level of the cerebellum. Additionally, the cerebellum is responsible for coordinating volitional activities.
The cerebellum arises from the rhombencephalon or hindbrain - or more specifically, from the rhombic lips or alar plates (dorsal thickening of the neural tube that forms the sensory areas of the nervous system) of the metencephalon (spans between the pontine flexure and the rhombencephalic isthmus).
In this video, we give you a sneak preview to the anatomy of the cerebellum, beginning with a definition of this structure and its location in the brain. For the full 22 minute video teaching you everything you need to know about this structure, click the link below.
In this video, we cover:
Caudal view of the cerebellum
Cranial view of the cerebellum
Midsagittal section of the cerebellum
Origin of the term "Cerebellum"
Location of the cerebellum
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Read more on the gross anatomy of the cerebellum in this free article, where we go into much more detail! [ Ссылка ]
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Overview of the cerebellum (preview) - Human Anatomy | Kenhub
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