In his latest analysis, Dr. Moeed Pirzada shared a revealing account of:
Meeting with a Police Officer Friend in Islamabad: Dr. Moeed narrated an old conversation where his friend disclosed details about the US Embassy's spy network in Pakistan and US satellite capabilities. These technologies were instrumental in aiding the Pakistani government during the arrests of individuals involved in missile attacks on the President's House (under General Pervez Musharraf) and the US Embassy.
US Surveillance Capabilities and the Islamabad Massacre: Analyzing these advanced capabilities, Dr. Moeed shared his thoughts on how the US likely possesses critical intelligence about the 2024 Islamabad massacre. However, he believes this information will remain concealed unless the US wants leverage over Pakistani generals.
Dr. Moeed connects these past events with the current geopolitical and political context, providing thought-provoking insights into the role of international powers in Pakistan’s internal affairs.
#MoeedPirzada #USSpyNetwork #IslamabadMassacre2024 #USIntelligence #PakistanPolitics #PervezMusharraf #EmbassySurveillance #PakistaniGenerals #PoliticalAnalysis #Geopolitics
Insights on US Spy Network and Islamabad Massacre
siyasat bazisiyasat bazi youtube channelsiasat bazisiyasat bazi youtube channel pakDr Moeed PirzadaUS Embassy Spy NetworkIslamabad Massacre 2024US Satellite TechnologyGeneral Pervez MusharrafPresident House Missile AttackUS Role in PakistanPolitical Analysis PakistanPakistani Generals and USIslamabad Tragedy InsightsUS Leverage Over PakistanMoeed Pirzada Latest ViewsUS Surveillance CapabilitiesTruth About Islamabad Massacre.