CGFR House is located in a private neighborhood with steep topography and stunning views. Its architectural design maximizes natural northern light, with a structure that opens up to the landscape while avoiding neighboring buildings. Materials like exposed concrete, wood, and natural stone were used to create a contemporary, welcoming aesthetic with low maintenance. The house offers flexible spaces that balance family living with privacy, featuring large openings that connect the interior to the exterior, harmonizing the residence with the surrounding nature.
Locatino: Córdoba, Argentina
Architects: LN Arquitectura
Photography: Gonzalo Viramonte
Area: 531 m²
Year: 2024
Elegantly Modern in Concrete | CGFR House
modern furnitureminimal designhouse designhouse tourhome reviewhome inspirationhouse design ideashome tourhouseshomesresidentialresidencedream homeluxury homefamily housesNatural stoneresidential projectopen floor plancontemporary architecturecontemporary houseminimalist homemodern homeCGFR HouseCasa CGFRContemporary architectureOpen floor planExposed concreteconcrete houseMinimalist houseModern residential