#DigitalCultureNetwork #SEO #PPC #SearchEngineOptimisation #SearchMarketing #PaidMedia
This webinar was presented by Syed Rahman, the Digital Culture Network's previous Tech Champion for Search Engine Optimisation and Paid Media. Packed full of arts and culture examples, success stories and best practice for driving sales and customer loyalty, this one-hour session takes you through the fundamentals and execution of launching a successful online shop. It was recorded live on Thursday 12 November 2020.
You will learn:
- What types of data you can get
- Where to find your data
- How to make the most of Google Sheets
- How to make the most of Dashboards
The Digital Culture Network provides practical, on the ground help to the arts and culture sector. Our focus is around digital skills and leadership development. We can help you:
- Explore and harness the benefits of technology to achieve your goals
- Find new ways to reach and engage audiences
- Develop sustainable business models.
We support you in different ways:
- One-to-one support from a team of Tech Champions specialising in digital content, eCommerce, data analytics, social media, digital strategy, email marketing, ticketing and CRM, websites and search engine marketing.
- Practical workshops and webinars to improve skills and engage with peers.
- Signposting to resources and training from us and our partners
- Support with technology related funding opportunities
- National and regional training days delivered with technology partners.
You can get in touch on digitalnetwork@artscouncil.org.uk, by visiting our website [ Ссылка ] or on Twitter @ace_dcn.