Shiv Sena MP Sanjay Raut was detained by the Enforcement Directorate (ED) on Sunday in connection with a money laundering case involving alleged irregularities in the redevelopment of a Mumbai ‘chawl’. The Sena leader was detained hours after an ED team, which arrived at his Mumbai residence, conducted raids at his home. The Sena leader has been taken to the ED zonal office. Sources said Raut was not cooperating as needed with the agency.
Speaking to CNN-News18, Raut, however, said, “They (ED) can keep me in custody as long as they want, I will prove the allegations wrong." After reaching the ED office, Raut said he would continue to fight.
“False charges and documents are being framed against people. All of this is being done to weaken Shiv Sena and Maharashtra. Sanjay Raut won’t be cowed down. I will not leave the party," he asserted.
#SanjayRaut #ED #PatraChawlScam
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