السلام عليكن اخواتي الغاليات في فيديو اليوم اقترح عليكن تجربة عملية لفهم الية تحمض الخميرة البلدية و كيفية التحكم فيها بالنسبة للاخوات اللائي لا يقدرن على الخبز الحامض رغم ان تلك الحموضة هي دواء الجهاز الهضمي و بالتالي علاج و تجنب العديد من الامراض. التجربة هي كما يلي:
ناخذ كاسين بهما نفس المقدار من الخميرة البلدية التي لتونا احييناها ,نضع
الكاس الاول بالشريط الوردي في الثلاجة , و الكاس الثاني بالشريط الاسود في المطبخ .
بعد مرور عشر ساعات لاحظنا ان :
الكاس الاول بالشريط الوردي الذي احتفظنا به في الثلاجة مدة عشر ساعات اختمر و ظهرت به فقاعات تركناه في المطبخ حيث درجة الحرارة مرتفعة شئ ما مقارنة مع الثلاجة فلاحظنا بعد مرور ثلاث ساعات انه اختمر اكثر و اسرع .
اما بالنسبة للكاس الثاني بالشريط الاسود الذي تركناه في المطبخ مدة عشر ساعات فلاحظنا انه اختمر بشكل كامل و تام الى اقصى حد ثم بدأ بالتراجع شيأ فشيأ .
نستنتج من هذه التجربة البسيطة ان:
1-الخميرة البلدية في البرودة كالثلاجة مثلا تختمر انما بشكل بطئ ,بعكس المكان الدافئ. اذن كلما ارتفعت درجة الحرارة كلما تخمرت الخميرة بشكل اسرع .
2-بعد وصول الخميرة الى اقصى درجة من التخمر و لم نقم باحيائها او العجن بها تبدا في التراجع و التقلص و اختفاء الفقاعات منها تدريجيا .في هذه المرحلة تبدا عملية التحمض.
اضافة مهمة:
بعض النساء تنسى إحياء خميرتها لسبب او لاخراو لظروف معينة,فان حدث هذا فلا ترميها ابدا خصوصا اذا لم تلاحظ السيدة تغير في لون الخميرة الى الاخضر او الرمادي مع انبعاث رائحة نفاثة , و ان قدر الله و حصل ما عليها الا اخذ ملعقة من وسط او اسفل الخميرة حيث تكون غير فاسدة و لونها عادي طبيعي و تضيف اليها ماء و دقيق و حبتين تمر و انشاء الله تنشط من جديد .
It's More Nutritious Than Regular Bread
Although sourdough bread is often made from the same flour as other types of bread, the fermentation process improves its nutrition profile in several ways.
For starters, whole grain breads contain a good amount of minerals, including potassium, phosphate, magnesium and zinc (3Trusted Source).
Unfortunately, the absorption of these minerals is limited by the presence of phytic acid, which is commonly referred to as phytate.
Phytates are considered antinutrients because they bind to minerals, reducing your body's ability to absorb them (3Trusted Source).
Interestingly, the lactic acid bacteria found in sourdough bread lower the bread's pH, which helps degrade phytates. This results in a bread that has a much lower phytate content than other types of bread (4).
One study showed that sourdough fermentation may reduce the phytate content of bread by 24–50% more than conventional yeast fermentation (5Trusted Source).
Lower phytate levels increase mineral absorption, which is one of the ways in which sourdough bread is more nutritious than conventional bread.
Moreover, studies show that the lactic acid bacteria present in sourdough bread have the ability to release antioxidants during sourdough fermentation (6Trusted Source, 7, 8Trusted Source).
Sourdough fermentation also increases folate levels in the bread, although levels of certain nutrients like vitamin E may be slightly reduced in the process (3Trusted Source).
Finally, sourdough's longer fermentation time helps improve the flavor and texture of whole grain bread. This may make people more likely to opt for a whole grain bread, thereby promoting a higher consumption of fiber and nutrient-rich breads (4).
It's Easier to Digest
It May Be Better for Blood Sugar Control
Sourdough bread may have a better effect on blood sugar and insulin levels than other types of bread, though the reason for this isn't yet fully understood.
Researchers believe that sourdough fermentation may modify the structure of carb molecules. This reduces the bread's glycemic index (GI) and slows down the speed at which sugars enter the bloodstream (12Trusted Source, 13, 14Trusted Source, 15, 16).
The GI is a measure of how a food affects blood sugar. Foods with a lower GI are less likely to produce a spike in blood sugar levels.
In addition, the lactic acid bacteria found in the dough produce organic acids during fermentation. Some researchers believe these acids may help delay stomach emptying and prevent a spike in blood sugar in a way similar to vinegar (4, 17Trusted Source).
The sourdough fermentation process is often used to make rye breads, as rye does not contain enough gluten for baker's yeast to work effectively (1Trusted Source).
One study showed that participants who consumed rye bread had a lower spike in insulin levels than those given the same amount of conventional wheat bread (18Trusted Source).
In addition, several other studies compared participants' glucose response after eating sourdough bread and bread fermented with baker's yeast.
Overall, participants who ate the sourdough bread had lower blood sugar and insulin levels than those who ate the breads fermented with baker's yeast (19, 20, 21Trusted Source, 22Trusted Source).
Sourdough bread is often easier to digest than bread that's fermented with brewer's yeast.
Researchers believe this could partly be due to sourdough bread's prebiotic content and probiotic-like properties
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