A full no commentary playthrough of Puzzle Agent
Game: Puzzle Agent
Release Date: June 30, 2010
Platform: PC
Developer: Telltale Games
Nelson Tethers: Puzzle Agent (also known simply as Puzzle Agent) is an adventure/puzzle game by Telltale Games, in collaboration with Graham Annable. It is the first game to come out of Telltale's pilot project. It was released on June 30, 2010. The game was influenced by the works of David Lynch, Stanley Kubrick and the Coen brothers (most notably Twin Peaks and Fargo). This is one of two games that have an original character, made by Telltale Games, the other being Telltale Texas Hold'em. A WiiWare release of the game was planned but eventually cancelled.
The game structure resembles a linear adventure game - the player doesn't have an inventory, but can traverse into dialog trees with other characters. Some items or choices of dialog result in puzzles to be solved, although in some cases the puzzle has no consequence in the game's progress. The types of puzzles vary from jigsaw through mathematics to logic puzzles. Each of them has a basic short description about the objective of the puzzle, while some have a basic set of rules and conditions that help the player deduce the solution. The player can request three hints for each puzzle, and each hint costs the player a piece of chewing gum - gum is on shortage in the town, as the hotel clerk explains, but Nelson can collect pieces of used gum he finds at each location. The puzzles don't automatically approve the players solution, even if the player provides the correct answer - Nelson must send the answer back to HQ where it is either approved or rejected. If the solution is approved, the player is given a score depending on how many hints he used and how many failed attempts he had (the latter is represented in taxpayer dollars), and an optional further explanation is provided on how the puzzle can be solved.
Puzzle Agent - Full Game (No Commentary)
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