I've reviewed plenty of interesting flights, but when I needed to get between two islands in the Galapagos, I booked a ticket with Emetebe and their 9-seat Britten Norman Islander. What followed was a truly memorable 40 minute flight. Let's see how it was!
This ticket was paid for with $175 USD cold hard cash (quite literally)
Music (From Europa Universalis IV) and composed by Andreas Waldetoft
Guns, Drums & Steel – Ride Forth Victoriously
#emetebe #crazyflight
CRAZY EMETEBE FLIGHT!: Airline of the Galapagos
Britten-Norman Islanderflight reviewtrip reportflightaviationflight reportairportflyingtraveleconomyavgeekreportinflight videoairlineairplanefull flightplane spottingemetebeemetebe airlinesflygalapagoshow to get to the galapagos islandsbaltasan cristobalisabela islandgalapagosdangerous flightshort flightairline of the galapagostakeofftravelogair taxiair chartertravel vloggalapagos vlogsam chuiscenic flight