Bajaj Auto launched the 2018 Bajaj Discover 110 last month priced at INR 50,176 (ex-showroom, Delhi). With the new 2018 Bajaj Discover 110, the brand is targeting conservative buyers who want a no-nonsense commuter to take them from point A to B, without being too boring. The Discover range has always been one of the best choices for this kind of audience. Bajaj proactively experimented with the brand to see how they can improve, and also gain better insights into the customer’s requirement. After learning from bikes like Discover 100 T, 125 ST and 150 F, Bajaj realised that the customers prefer something with style and capable dynamics, but nothing overdone.
They then went back to the drawing board and came up with the new Discover 110. Bajaj says that the customer feels the 110 cc market offers the best of both worlds – power of a 125 cc bike and the fuel-efficiency of a 100 cc commuter.
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