500 gr iga sapi (1 lb of beef ribs)
bumbu halus: (blended ingredients)
1 sdm ketumbar (1 tbsp of coriander)
1 sdm lada (1 tbsp of pepper)
1 sdm jinten (1 tbsp of cumin)
10 bh cengkeh (10 cloves)
10 bh kapulaga (10 cardamoms)
10 bh bunga lawang (10 star-anises)
10 bh bawang putih (10 cloves of garlic)
10 bh bawang merah (10 bulbs of shallot)
3 bh tomat (3 tomatoes)
2 ibu jari jahe (1 oz of garlic)
1 jari kayu manis (1 tsp of cinnamon)
5 bh cabai hijau (5 pods of green chili)
1/2 bh bawang bombai (half an onion)
bahan lain: (other ingredients)
2 sdm margarine (2 tbsp of margarine)
1 sdm minyak (1 tbsp of oil)
2000 CC air (9 cups of water)
2 liter beras (9 cups of rice)
250 gr santan kental (a cup of coconut milk)
5 siung bawang putih iris (5 cloves of garlic, sliced)
5 siung bawang merah iris (5 bulbs of shallot, sliced)
8 lbr daun salam (8 Indonesian bayleaves)
4 bt sereh (4 stalks of lemongrass)
8 lbr daun jeruk (8 keffir lime leaves)
2 sdt garam (2 tsp of salt)
4 sdt kaldu bubuk rasa sapi (4 tsp of beef stock powder)
3 sdm saos tomat (3 tbsp of ketchup)
resep acar: (pickles)
2 bh timun (2 cucumbers)
1 bh wortel (a carrot)
1 bh lemon, peras (a lemon, squished)
1/2 sdt garam (1/2 tsp of salt)
1 sdt gula (1 tsp of sugar)
omni Blade BL 100 IG
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