Last video didn't do too hot, but I'm not giving up — I want to keep this channel alive. It's been too many years of work to give up on it now.
I bought this townhouse in March of 2022, and today, nearly 1 year later, I have my official house tour. Yes I shoved stuff in closets to make sure it looked nice on video. All your favorite YouTubers do.
No it isn't all expensive Bauhaus stuff — I spend all my money on cars and can't justify spending thousands more on furniture my cat is going to rip up, no matter how bad I want to.
For more design, cars, home, finance, and other stuff follow me on Instagram and Twitter @TekGeekHD and to see me try and be an early Gen-Z (and feel like an early Millennial probably does on YT) follow me on TikTok @Smoothbrane
Designer's House Tour 2023
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