Title: The Tender X-ray Instrument (TXI) at the LCLS
Speaker: Dr. Andrew Aquila (SLAC/LCLS)
Abstract: The Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) upgrade to a high repetition source offers new avenues to pump/probe X-ray spectroscopies. Here I will briefly introduce the new capabilities of the LCLS focusing on the Tender X-ray Instrument (TXI). The TXI instrument is a dual-beam instrument, fed by both the soft X-ray and hard X-ray undulators of LCLS; a feature currently unique among XFEL instruments. The tender x-ray instrument will enable x-ray pump/x-ray probe techniques especially in the emerging field of nonlinear x-ray science, support tender X-ray spectroscopy measurements, and provide a coherent scattering/ forward diffraction instrument for sub-micron samples. It is designed to accommodate a variety of additional techniques, such as absorption and photoemission spectroscopy, as well as an array of samples from fixed targets to gases, aerosols and liquid jet targets.
Abbamonte, et al., New Science Opportunities Enables by LCLS-II X-ray Lasers [ Ссылка ]
And: [ Ссылка ]
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