Bhavish Aggarwal, founder of Ola Electric, just launched the Roadster Series, featuring three models in Ola's Independence day Event Sankalp. The standard Ola Electric Roadster is priced between ₹1.05-1.4 lakh, offering a top speed of 126 km/h and a 248 km range. The Roadster X starts at ₹75,000 with a 200 km range. Bhavish Aggarwal also said that both Ola Electric Roadster models will be delivered starting January 2025. The top model, Ola Electric Roadster Pro, offers a range of 579 km and a top speed of 194 km/h, with prices up to ₹2.5 lakh. Pre-bookings are open for these new Ola Electric EVs now. What do you want to see Bhavish Aggarwal and Ola Electric launch next?
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