The Netflix documentary follows the true story of Alex and Marcus Lewis, identical twins who come to terms with the past. Alex survived an accident but lost his memory - only remembering the face of his twin, Marcus. Marcus then had to retell Alex of their childhood and his life. Is this documentary worth checking out, or is it pointless? Thanks for watching my review!
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My couch rating system:
5 - A must watch - do not pass this one up
4 - It's really good, you should see it
3 - It's OK - maybe good for a rental
2 - It's not that good and I wouldn't recommend it
1 - It's terrible and I definitely don't recommend it
0 - Cutting off a finger is better than watching this
#TellMeWhoIAm #Netflix #NetflixDocumentary #NetflixReview
Tell Me Who I Am (2019) Netflix Documentary Review
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