A deep dive into what the theme of success truly means for us Projectors. As a fellow Projector (5/1 emotional projector) I have come to understand what brings us to bitterness and what true success means as a projector. As you watch this video I ask that you let go of your conditioned mindset of what success can look like from a man made construct of our world today. I ask instead that you look at it from a place of spirit and of the value of your essence in this world. What would happen if we as projectors allowed ourselves the ability to heal and to be of joy and play? I often feel like even after we understand we are projectors we get so caught up in the conditioning of the world we forget that we are here to free of the old world and bring in a new one. Although it can be scary to bet on yourself I ask anyone who is watching to understand that your ability to be exactly who you are is something that does not require work in the way we view it now. Allow yourself the time and the grace to pull back the layers of who you truly are underneath all these subconcionscious conditionings. Dream big and never underestimate the power of holding your power. The right invitation is worth waiting for and the one thing we must learn is that our value is our success. When we hold that with love and without question we have ultimately understood what success means.
hank you for watching. If you have any requests comment below if this is something that helped feel free to let me know what's working as this is for you all who haven't found anything about what it's like to walk through life with all these dynamics in your design.
Interested in getting to know your chart in human design? Use this link to check out international human designs free human design chart sent to you + check out under newcomers more on free resources.
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Or Karen Curry Parker does the same here is that link: (where I studied and got certified)
-she has a couple videos explaining genetic matrix too and the tools which is SO HELPFUL!
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And then genetic matrix:
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If you would like to contact me personally send an email to sammy@thesacredsessions.com
As I have stated in my videos I am able to work with people but it is based on what you are looking for, wanting to work on and how much depth in your chart reading you are looking for. I choose to have people contacted me with these specifics so I can feel confident knowing that if we work together I can follow through to the best of my ability to guide you to the place you are wanting to be knowing the boundaries of when I would have to refer you onto someone higher and has been in human design longer if you choose to further your learning in this community.
#elevatehumanity #projector #humandesign #humandesignprojector #empath #mindfulness #humandesignreading #consciousness #humandesignchart #humandesignprofile #humandesignsystem
The True Definition of Success for Projectors [Human Design]
Deconditioning projectorHuman design conditioning projectorHuman design projector successHuman design projector themesProjector human design potentialSuccess as a projector human designSuccess as a projector meaningTheme projector successWhat is success for projectorshuman designhuman design deconditioninghuman design projectorhuman design projector strategyhuman design projectorshuman design systemprojector human designprojectors human design