This video shows the different incarnation of Cletus Kasady also known as Carnage in TV shows and Films. Carnage is a symbiote, originally an offspring of Venom who bonded with serial killer Cletus Kasady. A sadistic and violent villain, this character will do anything in order to bring chaos and carnage to its enemies especially Spider-Man.
TV Series:
Spider-Man: The Animated Series
Spider-Man Unlimited
Ultimate Spider-Man
Guardians of the Galaxy
Venom: Let There Be Carnage
Song: Circus for a Psycho by Skillet
All clips and audio belong to their respective owners, I do not own any of these clips, this video is for entertainment purpose only.
Evolution of Carnage in TV and Films
spider-manspider-man villainspidermanspiderman villainspiderman carnagespider-man carnagecarnagecarnage evolutioncarnage marvelmarvel carnagemarvel evolutionsmarvel carnage evolutionsymbiotsspider-man the animated seriesspider-man unlimitedultimate spider-manvenomvenom let there be carnagevenom 2venom 2 carnagemarvel character evolutioncharacter evolutionevolution of carnage