What Causes Shortness of Breath During Anxiety?
Here are some common causes:
■ Shallow Breathing: Shallow breathing during anxiety can lead to an imbalance in oxygen and carbon dioxide levels in the body, resulting in feeling breathless.
■ Muscular Tension: Anxiety often leads to increased muscle tension, including in the muscles involved in breathing.
■ Increased Heart Rate: Increased heart rate during anxiety can make individuals cause feelings of breathlessness.
Updated 2024
What Causes Shortness of Breath During Anxiety, Shortness of Breath and Anxiety, Breath and Anxiety
What Causes Shortness of Breath During Anxiety?
What Causes Shortness of Breath During AnxietyShortness of Breath and AnxietyBreath and Anxietyshortness of breath and anxietyshortness of breath anxietystop shortness of breath anxietyshortness of breath due to anxietyhow to reduce shortness of breath anxietyconstant shortness of breath anxietycauses of shortness of breath anxietyshortness of breathdifficulty breathingbreathe issues