Ayushman Bharat also known as Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (PM-JAY) – Provides health insurance coverage of Rs. 5 lakhs per year to over 10 crore poor and vulnerable families for seeking secondary and tertiary care.
However, there is a bitter pill to swallow. Unfortunately, this scheme is infamous for all sorts of scams and frauds. One of them is Bribery, the eligibility criteria of PM-JAY are vast and complex. Therefore it is exploited that fake cards are issued and legitimate people have to pay the bribe.
Please refrain from any act of this kind, since there is absolutely no exchange of money in order to get an Ayushman Bharat card, provided one is eligible.
Through this video, you can see that even today, some people in society are misusing their influence to prey upon the poor and vulnerable, making them their victims. They deceive them by pretending to help, while actually looting the hard-earned money of these individuals. Be cautious and stay away from such people.
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