Semi LongRange flight with AttitudeV5 and RapidFire, no one glitch on screen during the flight 🤩.
just awsome, clear like crystal.
VTX 200mw
R9m 10mw
Music ; [ Ссылка ]
#attitude V5 with #Rapidfire Antenna test #FPV
amaxamaxinnodronefpvfatsharkorcafpvfreestylefpvracerlifestyleiflight22062750kvmambaf405diatone3dprintfunspeedpoweramazingdrldclfoxxerfalkordrone de coursedrone de racedrone de freestylenaturedrone fluodrone videofrancetoulousemontpellierfuséeparisazure power 4838 johnny freestylejohnny fpv4838azureazure power propsgoprodjirotor riotethixdrone pilotdrone racingattitudefatshark attitude v5v5flight testTmotor ft2005143