Today, we're solving the knocking/rumbling noise coming from my transmission tunnel by replacing the Center Support Bearing! This is a common problem on all BMW's, since they all use this design driveshaft. When it fails, it makes a ton of noise and sounds like your car is going to rattle itself apart.
While removing the exhaust, we snapped off ALL 4 STUDS on the headers, so we had to get to work and I show you how to remove the broken studs so you can replace them with new bolts. This is time consuming, and not very fun, but I also mention some other options in the video.
As usual, thanks for watching, and don't forget to check out The Bimmer Barn store to help support our channel!
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Bosch Cobalt Bit Set (really nice honestly, would recommend): [ Ссылка ] (affiliate)
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