Puppet show for all, based on a tale by Hans Christian Andersen, following a wicked spoilt girl called Inge who falls down into hell...
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Red Kite Productions are a group of diverse artists graduated from Royal Holloway University and Brighton University. Their shows aim to create dynamic theatrical experiences by incorporating puppetry, including Bunraku, Marionette, Shadow Puppetry and OHP with and live and recorded music. Through playful collaboration they adapt well-known stories into visually stimulating theatre.
The Girl Who Trod on a Loaf meets many eccentric characters along her travels through hell, this story is about her intriguing journey to redemption. A darkly charming and visually engaging piece using a long neglected tale of punishment and torture.
"A quietly charming and visually ravishing affair"
"A rewarding mature show from a young company"
to book tickets 2-4-1 at £6: [ Ссылка ] or 020 7836 8463
Cast: Lucinda Abel, Hadleigh Harrison, Sarah Yadley, Sophia Sharpley, Lucy Gooch, Emma Maxwell, Lucy Bailey, Polly Gooch, Lillian Tsang, Roseanna Mann
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