Go to HuggaMind.com for more information. My Baby Mobile is now available in the iTunes App Store.
My Baby Mobile is a colorful high-contrast mobile, which babies prefer, as proven through 50 years of early development research. It includes both an interactive virtual mobile with music, and a printable self-assembly mobile kit, providing fun for the whole family at home or on the road.
Conscientious parents appreciate using our virtual mobile and/or building these beneficial hanging sculptures with only a few sheets of printer paper and household materials.
Stimulate Your Baby's Brain
Increase attention span, improve visual tracking, scanning, and object permanence, and speed up myelination of brain cells, with breathtaking results.
Virtual & Real
Provide essential visual stimulation and soothing distraction with an Apple® device, TV, or simply print and build your own mobile to hang over a nursery changing table, crib, or room. The two printable mobiles have different colors and patterns, enabling you to craft your own additions to any decor.
App features bonus content including 'High-Contrast' Research and extensive Baby Care Safety Tips, English/Spanish languages, and is iPad 2 compatible. Ages:
Newborn and up.
Copyright 2011 HuggaMind, Inc.
My Baby Mobile, by HuggaMind
HuggaMindhuggamindMyBabyMobileMyBabyMobileDIYdo it yourselfself assemblyAirprintAirPrint Activatorscanningtrackingfixationmyelinationparentingbrain developmentnewbornappprintingsymbolschildeducationhigh contrastearly developmentstimulationinteractivespecial needsearly learningnon-verbalperceptioncommunicationcaregivermobile device appsdigital arteducational tooleco friendly